Tecnomar (ITALY)

P.zza D'Azeglio 22
+39 0584 392901
The Tecnomar passion for prestigious off shore vessels was born in 1986 with the acquisition of the Bruno Benedetti Shipyard which was already famous for the elegance and high performance of its models. The propulsive thrust of the new ownership wastes no time before it is felt: the range is enriched with new 40 and 35 footer off shore vessels with even more performance. In the 90s Tecnomar begins to establish its style. The TB series is born and this is the starting point for the future vessels.
The launching of the TB 58, mother of the present 20 metre Madras and Velvet, is a further step ahead: the link between performance and comfort becomes unbreakable. Technology and high quality design become the new factor in an exhilarating style.
Later in the 90s Tecnomar creates the first, made to order, displacement vessels in steel and in so doing it emerges from the classic production schemes and proves its great versatility and ability to totally personalise its vessels.
In 2001, in order to meet the pressing demands of the market, the Viareggio shipyard takes a leap forward in quality. The desire to design on a large scale becomes concrete and the Madras and the Velvet 25 and 26 metres are born, the first opens with a hard top and with a saxboard style flying bridge.
The launching of the TB 58, mother of the present 20 metre Madras and Velvet, is a further step ahead: the link between performance and comfort becomes unbreakable. Technology and high quality design become the new factor in an exhilarating style.
Later in the 90s Tecnomar creates the first, made to order, displacement vessels in steel and in so doing it emerges from the classic production schemes and proves its great versatility and ability to totally personalise its vessels.
In 2001, in order to meet the pressing demands of the market, the Viareggio shipyard takes a leap forward in quality. The desire to design on a large scale becomes concrete and the Madras and the Velvet 25 and 26 metres are born, the first opens with a hard top and with a saxboard style flying bridge.