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The base of private yachts for sale
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Rodman (SPAIN )

Contry: SPAIN
Address: Pol. Ind de la Borna
36955 Meira MoaЯa
Phone: + 34 986 811 818
Since 1974, we have focused our efforts on offering our customers a genuine and unique sailing experience
In Rodman we believe that the creation of a great boat is not just a question of attractive design. It is also about building a boat that can sail. This concept is the basis for our strong and constant commitment, as artists and craftsmen, to create boats that combine design and performance, providing our customers with maximum safety conditions, solid seamanship, and pleasurable sailing.
Our versatile offering is the consecuence of this vision, covering from luxury leisure boats, or professional vessels, to high length steel boats.

Found 5 yachts

foto yacht status year length price
Rodman 41
Rodman 41 archive 2006 13.72 m € 239 663
 Rodman Muse 74
Rodman Muse 74 sale 2011 23.00 m € 2 550 000
Rodman Muse 54
Rodman Muse 54 sale 2011 16.68 m € 976 000
Rodman Yacht 38
Rodman Yacht 38 sale 2011 11.52 m € 326 289
 Rodman Muse 44
Rodman Muse 44 sale 0 13.60 m € 460 000